The Idea Amplifier is for you if...

You have an idea for a…

→ Signature talk or presentation
→ New offer or service
→ Books or course
→ Piece of content (ex. social media to podcast episodes, newsletters)

And you want a simple process for articulating it so that it’s easy to understand, adopt, and act on.

Untitled (Instagram Post)
Too Brilliant GIF (2)


Learn how to translate your ideas so that they are easy to understand, adopt, and act on.

Square Logo


Reinforce your ideas so that they stand up to the 5 types of minds in any audience.

Amplifier Step 3


Create messages you can to increase your visibility and set your voice apart.


What to expect

This is an interactive workshop, designed just for corporate consultants, coaches, and leadership voices who want to become known for their brilliance.

✓ Guided writing exercises (easy like bumpers on a bowling alley)

✓ Create 3-4 messages you can use immediately

✓ Time for Q&A and actionable feedback

✓ 90-minute, live Zoom session

Idea Amplifier (3)
Erica Breuer - Idea Amplifier
Idea Amplifier - As Seen On

Your Messaging Strategist

If you want to go from option, to sought-after expert, you have to face reality:

The problem isn’t that your space is crowded...
→ The problem is that it’s full of carbon-copies.

You’re in a sea of voices who say the same things, promote lookalike offers, and hit “publish” on reheated leftovers.

That’s where your unfair advantage lies You have perspective and insights that no one else has.

And that’s why I created The Idea Amplifier Workshop: It’s time and space to translate the gold that you’re currently sitting on into brilliant realities.

I’ll bring the strategic precision, deeply human thinking, and creative prowess I’ve honed after 10+ years of experience amplifying voices in the consulting, coaching, and startup arenas – you bring the ideas, the hills you would die on, and spikey points of view you’ve been putting off sharing.

You’ll learn my straightforward process for turning your idea into messages that set you apart. No hype. No lies. No manipulation. Just a sticky value proposition that inspires people to action.


The Secret to Actually
Bringing Your Ideas to Life

  • A Strict "No Ass Hats" Policy

    I carefully vet participants to ensure you share the same spirit of generosity, creativity, and curiosity as we create together.

  • Multiple Angles of Feedback

    In addition to my branding expertise, you will share and receive feedback with other thoughtful, caring experts like yourself.

  • Circles of Support

    Ideas never flourish in isolation. Your fellow amplifiers can become your collaborators, referral partners, and biggest champions.

Idea Amplifier (5)

P.S. Your questions are part of the process. In fact, it'd be weird if you didn't still have a few questions


5 Questions to Stress Test Your Ideas

Hidden In Plain Sight Cheat Sheet

Reserve your spot in the Idea Amplifier Workshop and receive my "Legs, Limitations, or Lasting Impact" cheat sheet.

The choice is yours: You can keep blending in with your competitors (who are busy regurgitating what’s already found in a Google search).

Or you can claim your unique position and amplify your voice, brand, and visibility by sharing your ideas.

Next session: Tuesday, July 30th, Noon – 1:30pm eastern (90 minutes)